Tactical Otters
Tactical Otters.
Tactical Otters.
Dedication, Valiance, Capable.
"The truth is that you always know the right thing to do. The tough part is doing it. "-General Norman Schwarzkopf
Tac-Otter: Beaver
Tac-Otter: Beaver
The Ground Force of the River
The Ground Force of the River
Beavers are the main force of Tactical Otters. From frontline battlefield to special operation to black ops. Nothing can stop the Beavers to overcome and success their mission.
The ground Force consist of
TCD-Enhydra (Tactical Combat Detachment) Tasked for most major combat operation.
SFO-Aonyx (Surveillances Forward Observer) Tasked to provide fire support to the front line.
LCU-Lontra (Logistic Combat Unit) Tasked to provide bullet to bullet supply for all operation Unit.
VFA-Weasel (Attacker Fix wing) Tasked from SEAD to CAS.